Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Five Lovely Tasks

Task 1:

  1. new / old
  2.  old / young
  3.  weak / strong 
  4.  rich / poor
  5. black / white

Task 2:

  1. Battle= fight
  2. Terror=  fear
  3. Beloved=  dear
  4. Wish=  hope  

Task 3:

Four new vocabulary for you and put them in sentences of your ow
  1. Heedless: I start running, heedless of the rain and ice.
  2. Strike:They strike for higher pay. 
  3. Blazing: I saw her with a blazing gold medal.
  4. Apparel:There are so many choice for formal apparel.

Two pieces of information that you have learned from this song
  1. To "deck the halls" means to decorate. In this case, they are decorating for Christmas. A bough is a branch, so they are hanging up branches of holly.
  2. The Yule log was the wood from the largest tree near the village that could be found. Yule originated in Scandinavia where it is extremely cold and dark; as such, the 12 days of Yule (later 12 days of Christmas) were the 12 days when there was no sunlight around the winter solstice. Each spark from the Yule log supposedly foretold each new life (livestock and whatnot) that would be born in the village in the New Year. The holiday of Yule and the Yule log are pagan in origin and the holiday, as with most winter solstice holidays, is meant to celebrate hope during the darkest time of the year.

Write a short paragraph explaining why you think this song is very good and suitable for this season.

I think this song is very good because it make me happy and give me very good feeling about my first Christmas and when I understood the  meaning of it, I like it more and more . My son and I practice the song together because of  we have same song as a homework.

Task 5:
How did you find your last job?
Your resume
Cover letter
 Job searching
Tell me about yourself
Start with Volunteering
Adult school-coop program
Feel shy in interview
Good speaking about your field
What kind of job are good for you?
Speak clearly

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Wednesday's Assignment

Task 1:
 Now answer the following questions:

1. What type of meeting is the agenda for? School meeting

2. Who are the participants? to parents

3. What is the purpose of the meeting? To plan fundraising activities for spring term

4. How long do you think it is going to be? 2 hours

5. How can the participants prepare for the meeting?The parents have to think which activity is good to choose.

Task 3:
1. Is Richard progressing well in school?
Yes, he is a strong student.

2. What specific comments about Richard’s performance does the teacher make?
Richard's writing is reasonable. The sentence he wrote was pretty long, and his spelling and grammar much improved.

3. What four questions did the parents ask?
homework, social life in school, after school programs, and learning skills

4. What information do the parents give the teacher about their son?
Their son loved to write stories when he was in China.

5. What suggestions does the teacher give to help Richard do better in school?
Read more at home

6. How does the meeting end?
Both parents and the teacher feel happy because they know Richard better and help him improve himself after the meeting.

Friday, December 5, 2014

presentation skills

Task 1:

  • The audience in link 1 are small group and in link 2 are large group.
  • The purpose of the presentation for both of them are teaching.
  • The most suitable style of link 1 is informal and of link 2 is formal.
  • The most suitable venue for link 1 is a classroom and for link 2 is auditorium.
  • The ways to enhance your delivery for link 1 is on the board and for link 2 is giving a demonstration.