Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Meaning of abbreviation

Meaning of abbreviation:
1.           AGM: Annual General Meeting
2.           apt: Apartment
3.           asap: As Soon As Possible
4.           co: Company
5.           ext: Extension
6.           FYI: For Your Information
7.           Inv:  Invoice
8.           Mo: month
9.           no. or # : number
10.       mt. : meeting
11.       N/A :  Not Applicable
12.       impt.: Important
13.       RSVP: Please reply
14.       Ste:  Suite
15.       Urg: urgent 
16.       w/: With
17.       w/o: Without
18.       cc.: Carbon Copy             B cc: blind carbon copy
19.       e.g.: for example
20.       etc: " Etcetera (and so on)
21.        i.e.: That is
22.       vs.: Versus,agains
23.       p.s.:  Post Script ,after witting
24.       n.b.: Not Bad
N.P: take notice
np: no problem

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