Friday, November 28, 2014

Friday's Assignment, November 28

Task 1:
Lon: What’s this? 
Abigail: It’s a  memo about a safety inspection scheduled for next week. 
Lon: A safety inspection? How are we ever going to pass a safety inspection? 
Abigail: What do you mean? This isn't an unsafe workplace. We've had a good record. None of our employees have had on the job injuries this year and we've never had a fatality I don’t understand why you’re so worried. 
Lon: From what I've heard, the inspectors don’t just look at injury rates. They look for the smallest hazard that may be remotely dangerous  If we get cited, we may be shut down . 
Abigail: With all due respect, I don’t think that’s how it works. Yes, the inspector will look at our work environment and our gear  and machinery to make sure there are no hazards or toxic substances. 
Lon: That’s what I’m worried about. 
Abigail: But, if they find a violation, we’ll get a chance to fix the problem. They won’t shut us down without giving us a chance to comply  with their safety standards
Lon: I sure hope you’re right. 

Abigail: Me, too. We’ll know after next week’s inspection. 

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Wednesday's Assignment

Task 1:
1. I would like to apologize for my absence at the meeting.
2. I am  concerned about  the lack of supervision in the playground.
3. I am writing to complain about the poor service I received at your store.
4. I am very sorry about not being able to meet the deadline.(sorry for someone/sorry about somethings)
5. We would like to invite you to the ABC Company’s open house on Saturday, June 16 at 1:00 p.m.
6. I am writing to inform  about you the new budget proposal.
7. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for being a loyal customer over the years.(after for ing form)
8. I am  interested in finding out about the training programs that you offer.(after in ing form )(about your feel: interested in / about somethings: interesting in)
9. I am very upset for the way I was treated by one of your admin staff.
10. I am writing to inquire about the position you have available.
11. I am responding  your advertisement in the Globe and Mail on June 3, 2009.(ing because of am)
12. I would like to apply for the position of Sales Manager that was advertised in the Kingston Whig Standard on September 31, 2010.
Task 2:
 I told them it depends on the time I arrive.
 I spent over $200 for food this week.
 I said it was similar to the one she has.
 I was very surprised from the way she reacted.
 I applied on a job in Canada
 I can translate this paragraph toward Italian.

Task 3:

Mrs. Lucinda Minto, Manager
Bright Star Lighting Store
11 Glendale Ave.
Oshawa, ON L1H 8K9

Monday, September 12, 2009

Dear Lucinda,
On August 25, 2009, I bought a floor lamp in your store. Unfortunately, I was not able to use it because of it did not work properly. Every time I switched it on, it switched off by itself after about 30 minutes. I took the lamp back to the store but the salesgirl refused to give me my money back. I had a telephone conversation with you about it and you confirmed that your store’s policy is to exchange faulty merchandise rather than refund the money. Unfortunately, the lamp that I want is no longer available at your store. Given these circumstances, I would like to request that you refund my money.
I want to hear from you soon.

Marisa Romer

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

task 2

1. a note to a co-worker: The meeting is at 10 sharp.Please don’t be late.
2. a letter to a Member of Parliament: I am Appreciate for your help in this matter.
3. an email message to a friend: I am looking forward to seeing you there :)
4. a note to a child’s teacher: May, I ask you to a meeting time.
5. an email message to a superior: I will let you inform you about the time of the meeting as soon as possible.
6. a manager to her subordinates: Thanks for your hard work, everyone!
7. a letter accompanying your resume: enclosed is my resume for your reference. 
8. a note to the office cleaner: could you please clean under my desk when you come next time.

Degrees of Formality

1. I insure you this will never happen again.
2. We will make sure the computer is repaired by one of our technicians.
3. The book I purchase online was damaged.
4. I request you to give me my money back.
5. I hope you receive the package I sent last week.
6. He’s really angry about the service he received at our store.
7. The work will be complete by the end of the month.
8. The manager is concerned that they won’t meet their deadline.
9. Please review the proposal and make any necessary changes.
10. She would like for the information a long time ago.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Compare the weather of Iran and Canada

Compare the weather in my previous (Iran) country and in Canada

We know that one of  the important point for choose a country for livings is the weather.
Iranian has four season in a year and length of each season is about three months.You can see each season in nature. Average of the temperature is -10c to 40c.
Canada has four season same of Iran but the length of seasons are different . For example length of spring, summer and fall are 2 months for each one and  also Canada has long winter. The average of temperature are 30c to -40c.
Totally choose a country because of his weather depend to your temperament. Some people prefer cold weather (like me) and some of them like warmer weather. 

Edit by Mandana

Friday, November 14, 2014

Women's Right to Vote.

Women's Right to Vote

In Canada's early day, voting was considered as a privilege not a right. Only rich men and women with their own properties could vote. Most of women could not vote. After confederation in 1867, all women were excluded. In 1880 and 1914 Women's suffrage was considered as an impossible thing. In 1911, James Whitney said that women's suffrage was a matter of revolution which only worked out with goals and laws. For these reasons, women must not attend to vote.Therefore, women's suffrage movement needs a long way but it was growing.Since 1914, many women activities worked for women's suffrage in Canada. In 1915, one women from Manitoba were the first to vote.She was Nellie McClure. In the same year, women from Saskatchewan and Alberta got the rights to vote. However, women could only vote in 5 provincial lectures but not in federal lectures.During the great war, women played essential roles in Canada. In 1917, two new laws.   Military nurse became the first to get the right to vote in federal lectures. Then, wife, mother, sisters, daughters of soldiers, and some serving uniform got the right. Finally In 1918, all the women in Canada got the right to vote. In 1920, women in Canada who is over 21 could vote but not all women were included.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day draws huge crowds as National War 
Memorial rededicated

 The first time that many of my classmate and I attended to 
Remembrance Day ceremony.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Meaning of abbreviation

Meaning of abbreviation:
1.           AGM: Annual General Meeting
2.           apt: Apartment
3.           asap: As Soon As Possible
4.           co: Company
5.           ext: Extension
6.           FYI: For Your Information
7.           Inv:  Invoice
8.           Mo: month
9.           no. or # : number
10.       mt. : meeting
11.       N/A :  Not Applicable
12.       impt.: Important
13.       RSVP: Please reply
14.       Ste:  Suite
15.       Urg: urgent 
16.       w/: With
17.       w/o: Without
18.       cc.: Carbon Copy             B cc: blind carbon copy
19.       e.g.: for example
20.       etc: " Etcetera (and so on)
21.        i.e.: That is
22.       vs.: Versus,agains
23.       p.s.:  Post Script ,after witting
24.       n.b.: Not Bad
N.P: take notice
np: no problem

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Job interview that did not go well

To: donnarodriguez@abc         From:mahsapayandenia@gmail .com                                       

Subject: Thank you                                    Date:November.04.2014

 Dear Mrs. Jackson
Thank you very much for the opportunity to interview for the teaching position at Bell view Street School. I enjoyed talking to you and learning more about your school district. I was particularly interested in your focus on active citizenship and the challenge of developing co-operation and respect in the classroom.
I would like to help your district achieve this vision by contributing my skills and experience to creating an active community of learners who are well prepared for living and learning in today's world.But I think my education or my skills are not enough to get this position.  I think I need to apply for teaching certificate.Please help me what I have learned from this position and, for teaching certificate witch of university or college are better.

Thank you again for taking the time to interview me today. After our meeting I am even more enthusiastic about this potential opportunity. I will try to take ready myself for teaching position more. Please contact me if you have kindly suggestion for me about increase my skills and education.


Mahsa Payandenia

Job interview that went well

To: donnarodriguez@abc     From:mahsapayandenia@gmail .com                            
Subject: Thank you                                Date:November.04.2014 

Dear Mrs. Jackson
Thank you very much for the opportunity to interview for the teaching position at Bell view Street School. I enjoyed talking to you and learning more about your school district. I was particularly interested in your focus on active citizenship and the challenge of developing co-operation and respect in the classroom.

I would like to help your district achieve this vision by contributing my skills and experience to creating an active community of learners who are well prepared for living and learning in today's world. My experience with young learners at Ghafari School and the time I spent teaching in the Esfahan City School District have helped me to develop strong classroom management skills and an appreciation of diversity that will be of particular value in this teaching position.

Thank you again for taking the time to interview me today. After our meeting I am even more enthusiastic about this potential opportunity. Please contact me if you have any additional questions. I look forward to speaking with you again soon.


Mahsa Payandenia

Mahsa Payandenia